Iranian ex-student terror attack at UNC
9 injured by SUV at UNC-Chapel HillUpdated: 3/3/2006 7:32 PM
By: Associated Press
UNC Hit-and-Run

Mohammed Reza Taheriazar, the sorry b*st*rd that drove into the crowd on purpose
The driver of an SUV that sped through the UNC-CH campus, hitting several people, allegedly planned the attack as retribution for the treatment of Muslims around the world.
CHAPEL HILL, N.C. -- A recent University of North Carolina graduate faces attempted murder charges after a sport utility vehicle raced through a popular campus gathering spot Friday, hurting nine people and scattering startled bystanders.
Six people -- five students and a visiting scholar -- were treated at UNC Hospitals, though a hospital spokesman said none was seriously injured. Five were released Friday and the sixth wasn't expected to be admitted to the hospital, the university said in a statement. Three other people declined treatment at the scene, police said.
Mohammed Reza Taheriazar, 22, a December graduate, was being held Friday by campus police. They intend to charge him with nine counts of attempted murder and nine counts of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, said Capt. George Hare of the UNC Department of Public Safety.
The FBI joined the case because Taheriazar, a native of Iran, "allegedly made statements that he acted to avenge the American treatment of Muslims. The ongoing investigation will work to confirm this," said Special Agent Richard Kolko, an FBI spokesman in Washington.
Officials say the incident occurred in front of Lenoir Hall in a gathering area known as The Pit, a popular gathering spot in the center of the campus.
Taheriazar called police to surrender and then awaited officers on a side street about two miles away from campus, Chapel Hill police Capt. Brian Curran said.
"He kind of gave himself up," said Officer Herbert Bryant of the university's Department of Public Safety.
Local authorities declined to discuss a motive.
"As far as delving into his motives and things like that, we're in the process of developing that in our investigation," Hare said.
***GEE, I wonder what his motive could possibly be.***
Read the rest HERE.