I really don't like these two moonbats...

Nov. 1: Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., left, flanked by Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., meets with reporters on Capitol Hill.
photo from the AP/FoxNews.com
Senate Dems Force Rare Closed Session
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
By Sharon Kehnemui Liss
Pentagon Splits With Iraqi President on Troop Preparedness
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Senate returned to its daily work late Tuesday after Democrats enacted a rare parliamentary rule forcing a private session (search) of the chamber so senators could speak in secret about the lead-up to the war in Iraq.
As a result of the session, in which Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Pat Roberts (search) and the panel's Ranking Democrat Jay Rockefeller (search) sparred for 40 minutes about whether Republicans had failed in their oversight of the Bush administration, lawmakers set Nov. 14 as a deadline for six members of the Senate — three from each party — to assess the progress of the committee's investigation into pre-Iraq war intelligence.
Read the rest, here.