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POPSHOTS: The Last Action Hero
[21 September 2005]
Indiana Jones is 63 years old, and we're in trouble.
by Glenn McDonald

Here's an excerpt:

"I've recently and reluctantly come to appreciate Brad Pitt's acting -- he's at least as cool as his hair in Ocean's Eleven, and his decision to have his character eating in every single scene is just the sort of Actor's Choice he gets paid the big bucks for. But the man is impossible to like -- the way he treated poor Jennifer Aniston is just despicable. One of these days he's going to wake up to Angelina gnawing on his skull, and realize the terrible mistake he's made."

Angelina gnawing on his skull! ROFLOLOL!!!!! oh this was a much needed laugh. Thanks, Glenn... even though I disagree with ya about Vin Diesel. He's gorgeous- I mean a great actor. ;)
Friday, September 23, 2005 :: ::
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