(AINA) -- According to the Assyrian website ankawa.com, a 14 year old Christian Assyrian boy, Ayad Tariq, from Baqouba, Iraq was decapitated at his work place on October 21.
Ayad Tariq was working his 12 hour shift, maintaining an electric generator, when a group of disguised Muslim insurgents walked in at the beginning of his shift shortly after 6 a.m. and asked him for his ID.
According to another employee who witnessed the events, and who hid when he saw the insurgents approach, the insurgents questioned Ayad after seeing that his ID stated "Christian", asking if he was truly a "Christian sinner." Ayad replied "yes, I am Christian but I am not a sinner." The insurgents quickly said this is a "dirty Christian sinner!" Then they proceeded to each hold one limb, shouting "Allahu akbar! Allahu akbar!" while beheading the boy.
Translated from Arabic by AINA
Labels: Islamic facism, persecution of Christians
Danish paper acquitted in cartoon libel trial
Thu Oct 26, 8:29 AM ET
A Danish court on Thursday acquitted daily Jyllands-Posten in a civil case brought by Muslim organizations that accused it of slander for printing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad that triggered widespread Muslim anger.
A court official told Reuters that the Aarhus municipal court found in favor of Jyllands-Posten and ordered the seven Danish Muslim organizations who sued it to pay the paper's court expenses.
The plaintiffs have appealed to a higher court.
"Anything but a clear acquittal would have been a catastrophe for freedom of the press and the media's ability to fulfill its role in a democratic society," Jyllands-Posten editor Carsten Juste said on the paper's Web site. "You can think what you want about the cartoons, but the newspaper's unassailable right to print them has been set by both the country's prosecutors and the court system."
The ruling said that some of the cartoons do not depict the Prophet or have a religious subject, while others fall outside of the scope of slander laws.
The court did find that three of the cartoons, including one that depicted the Prophet with a bomb in its turban, did not clearly fall outside of what the law could deem as insulting.
"Of course it cannot be excluded that the drawings offended some Muslims," the court said in its ruling. "But there is no sufficient reason to assume that the cartoons are or were intended to be insulting... or put forward ideas that could hurt the standing of Muslims in society."
The 12 drawings, first published in September last year in Denmark and then reprinted elsewhere, provoked a storm of protests among Muslims, many of whom believe any Mohammad depictions are blasphemous. At least 50 people were killed in riots in the Middle East and Asia. Three Danish embassies were attacked and many Muslims boycotted Danish goods.
In March, Danish prosecutors declined to press charges against the newspaper under Danish blasphemy and anti-racism laws.
In the civil suit, the Muslim organizations accused Jyllands-Posten, Juste and culture page editor Flemming Rose of slander against Muslims for having published the cartoons.
Had they been convicted, they could have faced prison for up to four months.

Freedom of Information request puts 1,000 new pages online
Posted: October 24, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2006 WorldNetDaily.com
About 1,000 documents obtained in a Freedom of Information Act request to the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America show the White House is engaging in collaborative relations with Mexico and Canada outside the U.S. Constitution, says WND columnist and author Jerome Corsi.
"The documents give clear evidence that the Bush administration has created a 'shadow government,'" Corsi said.
The documents can be viewed here (http://stopspp.com/stopspp/?page_id=11), on a special website set up by the Minuteman Project.
Bureaucrats from agencies throughout the Bush administration are meeting regularly with their counterpart bureaucrats in the Canadian and Mexican governments to engage in a broad rewriting of U.S. administrative law and regulations into a new trilateral North American configuration, Corsi contends.
"We have hundreds of pages of e-mails from U.S. executive branch administrators who are copying the e-mail to somewhere between 25 to 100 people, a third of whom are in the U.S. bureaucracy, a third of whom are in the Mexican bureaucracy and a third of whom are in the Canadian bureaucracy," said Corsi.
"They are sharing their laws and regulations so we can 'harmonize' and 'integrate' our laws into a North American structure, not a USA structure."
Corsi claims the process is well along the way.
"This is totally outside the U.S. Constitution, virtually an executive branch coup d'etat," he said. "SPP is creating new trilateral memoranda of understanding and mutual agreements which should be submitted to Senate for two-thirds votes as international treaties."
Corsi said the documentation he received is missing key pieces.
"We received very few actual agreements, though many are referenced," he said. "Many of the work plans described lack the work products which the groups say they produced."
SPIEGEL ONLINE - October 23, 2006, 12:16 PM
URL: http://www.spiegel.de/international/spiegel/0,1518,444079,00.html
"We Will Never Recognize Israel"
Mahmoud al-Zahar, foreign minister of the Palestinian Authority's Hamas-led government, says a big majority of Hamas supports the struggle against Israel despite recent conciliatory comments from Hamas officials about a possible indirect recognition of Israel and an end to violence.
Read the rest, here:

Oct. 18: A Pakistani boy brandishes a toy gun while standing on a U.S. flag at a rally in Karachi.