Gini's Online Newsletter
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Your New Year's Resolutions

1) Get a pet octopus
2) Eat more hot dogs
3) Travel to Brazil
4) Study urban anthropology
5) Get in shape with spinning
This is just outrageous. From this article at the Telegraph.co.uk-
Excerpt:"Who knows, maybe some of the ashes were his - how do you know? It defies the imagination. It's so corrupt and evil.
"I'm most shocked by the violation of the medical ethics that my stepfather's ancient and cancerous bones should have been passed off as healthy tissue to innocent patients in their quest for better health."
His daughter, Susan Kittredge, told the Daily News: "That people in need of healing should have received his body parts considering his age and the fact that he was ill when he died, is as appalling to the family as it is that his remains were violated."
Arabs unable to reproduce successes in area greenhouses
Posted: December 22, 2005
1:00 a.m. EasternBy Aaron Klein
© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com The Palestinians who took over the Jewish greenhouses in the Gaza Strip when Israel withdrew its communities from the area now are asking expelled farmers for advice after reportedly failing to reproduce the region's famous insect-free vegetables, WND has learned.
Prior to Israel's August withdrawal, the residents of Gaza's Gush Katif slate of Jewish communities ran greenhouses known for producing high-quality insect-free vegetables. The Gush Katif gardens featured some of the most technologically advanced agricultural equipment and accounted for more than $100 million per year in exports to Europe. The greenhouses also supplied Israel with 75 percent of its own produce.
The hothouses were passed to the Palestinians in September in a $14 million deal brokered by former World Bank President James Wolfenson and several wealthy Jewish Americans.
Earlier this month, the Palestinians now running the greenhouses reportedly told the Israeli-Palestinian Economic Cooperation Fund they failed in their efforts to grow bug-free produce.
Now the Palestinian owners have asked the United States Agency for International Development, which has been involved in reconstruction efforts in Gaza, to hire former Jewish Gaza greenhouse owners as consultants for their declining vegetable businesses.
Eitan Hederi, a former Gaza farmer who represented Gush Katif residents in the Wolfenson greenhouse transfer told WND, "The Palestinians are privately turning to U.S. AID to hire us because we are experts in this kind of farming. It's a really complex process that we engineered."
Anita Tucker, an expelled Gaza resident and one of the pioneer farmers of Gush Katif, told WND, "I am not at all surprised the Palestinians are failing. When they worked in our greenhouses they needed to be monitored closely. Many didn't understand certain things, like not using different kinds of chemicals. Plus when we were in Gaza, our efforts were blessed by God."
Tucker explained she and other Katif farmers engineered agricultural technology specific to the dry, sandy Gaza conditions.
"We used different kinds of netting, also aluminum, since we knew the reflection of the sun kept bugs away," she said. "We used colors because we knew certain kinds of bugs were attracted to or kept away from different colors. We used certain organic insecticides for certain plants, and were very strict about which chemicals we used. We kept our greenhouses as clean as possible. And we also had our own proprietary inventions and technology."
Asked if she would serve as a consultant for the new Palestinian owners of her former greenhouses, Tucker said, "Probably not. We see the terror coming out of Gaza, coming out of the neighborhood I used to live in, and it's just horrible. Hamas has taken over different parts of Gush Katif and are firing rockets into Israel. I am not saying the Palestinian farmers are involved, but it seems they are not doing enough to stop the terror."
Haderi, who says he already has been asked by U.S. AID to consult on greenhouse technology, said, "I am still thinking about it. It's a very difficult decision."
Posted: December 15, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2005 Laurence A. Elder
Stanley "Tookie" Williams, convicted multiple murderer and co-founder of the notorious street gang the "Crips," died via lethal injection at 12:35 a.m. on Dec. 13, 2005, in San Quentin State Prison. California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, only hours before Williams' scheduled execution, refused to grant clemency.
Who was Stanley "Tookie" Williams, and why did so many people want his life spared?
The Crips, co-founded by Williams in 1971, became a national – indeed, international – gang responsible for thousands of deaths. In 1981, a jury convicted Williams of murdering four people, and he was sentenced to death. Williams claimed he was innocent, a victim of a racist criminal justice system. He partnered with a writer and co-authored several anti-gang children's books. Williams apologized for founding the Crips, renounced his membership and urged others to do the same.
The usual suspects came out in support of Williams' clemency – Hollywood stars and anti-death-penalty advocates. But so did the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
The NAACP took out an ad in the Los Angeles Times and began a four-city tour urging the governor to grant Williams clemency. Bruce S. Gordon, the new president and CEO of the NAACP, called Williams the organization's "secret weapon" in combating gang violence. Gordon also suggested that race played a part in Williams' conviction and noted that the criminal justice system "makes mistakes."
About the death penalty, according to the NAACP's website, the organization opposes it: "The NAACP has long opposed the death penalty because in many states there has been a disproportionate number of African-Americans sentenced to death, particularly when the crime involves a white victim."
But where was the NAACP's opposition to the death penalty back in 2000? The organization ran an ad during the 2000 presidential campaign of then-Gov. George W. Bush. The ad – with a voiceover by the daughter of James Byrd, the man dragged to death by three men in Jasper, Texas – attacked Bush for not passing enhanced hate-crime legislation. Bird's daughter, in a dramatic voice, said, "[I]t was like my father was killed all over again." But two of the three men convicted of killing Byrd had already received death sentences, with the third, who testified that he attempted to stop the other two from committing the murder, getting life without possibility of parole.
The NAACP ad, in essence, says that Byrd's killers should have been punished more harshly. So apparently white bigots deserve the death penalty, but a black multi-murderer who founded a street gang does not. All clear now?
Williams claims redemption, but refuses to accept responsibility for murdering four innocent people. Williams shot one victim, Albert Owens, who worked at a 7-Eleven, twice in the back, after Owens pleaded for his life. Williams, 11 days later, gunned down the owners of a small motel, a family of three.
According to Gov. Schwarzenegger's decision refusing clemency: "Williams ... robbed a family-operated motel and shot and killed three members of the family: (1) the father, Yen-I Yang, who was shot once in the torso and once in the arm while he was laying on a sofa; (2) the mother, Tsai-Shai Lin, who was shot once in the abdomen and once in the back; and (3) the daughter, Yee-Chen Lin, who was shot once in her face. For these murders, Williams made away with approximately $100 in cash. Williams also told others about the details of these murders and referred to the victims as 'Buddha-heads.'"
Consider the following hypothetical. David Duke, former imperial wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, murders, in cold blood, four innocent blacks. But, wait. Duke later renounces the Klan and pens children's books urging white kids to reject racism. But he refuses to accept responsibility for the murder of the four innocent blacks, claiming that a racist jury convicted him for his reputation, not for the murders. Imagine Snoop Dogg, Jamie Foxx, Ed Asner or the NAACP organizing a campaign to spare the "redeemed" Duke's life.
Williams' life inspired the movie called "Redemption." But a truly redeemed Williams would have said: "This is what happens. This is where you end up when you think the rules do not apply to you; when, because of anger and rage, you kill innocent people. I accept responsibility for what I did. I apologize to the family members. Please understand that I was not a victim of a racist, unfair criminal justice system, and I urge all criminals to first look into the mirror before blaming the police, the judges, the system. I made choices that put me here. The lesson of my life is – no matter your circumstances, your race, your class – you are responsible for making proper moral decisions. It is your duty to do so." That's redemption.Larry Elder is a popular radio and TV talk-show host from Los Angeles.
Homosexual cowboys
Posted: December 15, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com
If he wasn't in heaven, my father, 1930's box-office award-winning, Hollywood cowboy star, Bob "Tex" Allen – and his more recognizable successors, like John Wayne and Gene Autry – would be rolling over in their graves. Except for an occasional movie like "Silverado," "Pale Rider" or "Tombstone," Hollywood keeps trying its best to ruin the spirit of the western. And, they wonder why most of the westerns Hollywood has been making in the last 25 years don't make much money!
"Brokeback Mountain," a modern homosexual cowboy movie that tells the 20-year love affair between two men starting in 1963, is twisted, laughable, frustrating, plotless and often boring. It's also politically correct. Thus, it's sure to reap many awards this year from the leftwing media throughout the world and the leftwing elites in Hollywood, including the so-called "Gay Mafia."
The movie opens in Wyoming in 1963 where two young cowboys, Ennis and Jack, are hired to tend some sheep near Brokeback Mountain. The two men become fast friends. One night, however, their friendship becomes an evening of lust and passion, a scene that plays like a nightmarish homosexual rape set in San Quentin Prison.
For 20 years, the two men carry on a secret affair, despite the fact that they get married to women and have children. One of the wives finds out, but the other one mostly only suspects, until tragedy strikes, and she finds out for certain.
"Brokeback Mountain" is well-acted, although Heath Ledger as Ennis sometimes sounds like Carl from "Sling Blade," the character that Billy Bob Thornton made famous. The problem is that the story is relatively plotless, and the pace is slow and choppy at times. The movie's running time is also much too long. All of this makes for a boring, and sometimes laughable, though well-produced and well-photographed travelogue.
The main conflict in this movie is between the two cowboys. Jack wants them both to get divorced and tend a ranch together, but Ennis is too afraid of the scandal their relationship would cause. Secretly, however, Ennis, is also haunted by the corpse of a murdered, castrated homosexual cowboy his father made him see when Ennis was very young. Of course, one of the two cowboys ends up being murdered, too.
Thus, in the end, the ultimate goal of the filmmakers behind "Brokeback Mountain" is to send a politically correct message about how awful American society is in its treatment of homosexuals. To complement this evil message is a scene where Jack mocks people who go to church and who sing hymns about Jesus Christ.
The movie also presents a very negative stereotype of strong heterosexual fathers. In fact, the homosexual cowboy whose guilt prevents the two perverted lovers from riding off into the sunset together is shown to be an apathetic father. Only the love of one of his daughters is able to free the man from his apathy and indifference toward her. Furthermore, the most admirable homosexual cowboy is shown to be the most affectionate father toward his child.
Of course, adding to this politically correct tone is plenty of strong foul language, explicit sex scenes and explicit nudity. Surprisingly, there also is a strong tone of sadomasochism to the homosexual relationship in the movie. These scenes probably are the most unintentionally laughable scenes in the entire movie. The movie suggests, however, that this is due to the sexual repression that American society allegedly brings against sodomites like the two homosexual cowboys.
As we predicted above, there are sure to be many leftwing awards for this twisted, laughable, frustrating, plotless and boring piece of homosexual, neo-Marxist propaganda. If only the leftists, radical feminists and communists would show the same compassion for the wives of homosexual perverts like these two characters, the world might be a better place. Don't count on that happening any time soon, however.
Dr. Ted Baehr is the founder and publisher of MOVIEGUIDE®, chairman of the Christian Film &Television Commission, and a well-known movie critic, educator, lecturer and media pundit. He also is the author of several books, including "Faith In God And Generals."
Posted: December 10, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com Gov. Sonny Perdue of Georgia has become a hero of the Christmas season.
After a staff member sent out an e-mail news release announcing that Gov. Perdue and his wife, Mary, would be lighting a "holiday tree" at the governor's mansion, the governor – an outspoken Christian – quickly set the record straight.
Within moments after that initial e-mail had gone out, Gov. Perdue sent out a follow-up e-mail announcing that he would be lighting a "Christmas tree" – not a "holiday tree."
The follow-up e-mail from Gov. Perdue's office was a classic.
It read: "Due to a politically correct staff brain-freeze, the [governor's] press office erroneously used the word 'holiday tree' to describe the coniferous flora that the governor and first lady will light this Sunday."
It continued, "It is, in fact, a Christmas tree. The staffer responsible can be contacted at P.O. Box 432, Anchorage, Alaska, 99501."
The message from Gov. Perdue was clear: He will not tolerate the diluting of Christmas.
As the issue of public religious expression – particularly during the Christmas season – has become increasingly contentious, it is energizing to see a high-profile political leader take such a bold stand in defense of Christmas.
Gov. Perdue, who spoke at Liberty University earlier this year, has become one of the most vocal Christian leaders in our nation. And it is fitting that he has charged headfirst into this important political debate.
While we celebrate Gov. Perdue's action, we continue to see numerous examples of education officials and public managers taking anti-Christmas postures.
In Seattle this week, a school district decided to reprint lunch menus for 23 elementary schools because they bore the message of "Merry Christmas." The News Tribune of Tacoma reported that the district actually reprinted the menus so they read "Happy Holidays."
In Dodgeville, Wis., officials at an elementary school determined that their "winter program" would alter the carol "Silent Night" so that it is sung as "Cold in the Night."
The lyrics have been secularized as follows:
Cold in the night,
no one in sight,
winter winds whirl and bite,
how I wish I were happy and warm,
safe with my family out of the storm.
The school's program will include decorating classrooms with images of Santa Claus, Kwanza, Menorahs and Labafana (a Christmas witch).
The Orlando, Fla.-based Liberty Counsel has issued a demand letter to the school stating that its actions violate the Constitution. Liberty Counsel is prepared to file suit if the district does not remedy the situation.
These are just a couple of examples of school officials who want to eradicate Christmas.
Last week, a skit on "Saturday Night Live" had the cast spoofing the effort to restrain Christmas. Instead of singing "Hallelujah," a politically correct choir utilized the words "How Ya Doing?"
Sadly, it probably gave the author of the "Cold in the Night" lyrics some new ideas.
Apparently, anti-Christmas school officials believe that saying "Merry Christmas" or singing "Silent Night" is an establishment of religion.
In reality, printing "Merry Christmas" on a menu or singing "Silent Night" in a school program is an establishment of religion in the same way that eating a nut makes you a squirrel.
It's that ludicrous!
Liberty Counsel president and general counsel Mat Staver and I have been hitting the talk shows in recent days, identifying this war on Christmas across our nation. Liberty Counsel is providing the free legal services of 700 constitutional attorneys to any persons whose religious freedom is being denied or curtailed ... available at mat@lc.org.
We have been talking about the national "Friend or Foe Christmas Campaign," in which pastors across the country are purchasing full-page newspaper ads announcing that Christmas is still legal.
The most recent pastor to join this campaign is Dr. Richard Lee, pastor of First Redeemer Church in Cummings, Ga. The church is placing ads in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and other local newspapers to defend public displays and expressions of Christmas.
Readers can view the ad that churches are utilizing [a pdf file]. They can also call my National Liberty Journal newspaper office (434-582-2432) to have our graphics department help in the creation of an ad.
We have taken the offensive in the battle for Christmas. I urge pastors across the nation to join with us in protecting this important part of our national heritage.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Group warns bill contains national ID
Immigration measure's employment provision 'dangerous'
Posted: December 10, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern
By Jon Dougherty
© 2005 WorldNetDaily.com
An umbrella organization of dozens of groups that monitor legislation affecting civil liberties says a new immigration-reform measure contains a provision that could lead to de facto establishment of a national identification scheme.
Officials with Liberty Coalition say the bill, called the "Border Protection, Antiterrorism, and Illegal Immigration Control Act," ominously "creates a dangerous new national identity database system and firmly establishes the predicate for a new national ID card system."
In particular, said the organization, Title VII of the bill contains a requirement that employers compare current and prospective workers' Social Security numbers with a Department of Homeland Security database to ensure they are legally able to work in the United States. If the DHS database doesn't clear the employee, the employer can be fined.
Michael Ostrolenk, national director for the coalition, said he was not only concerned about the ID implications but also that database glitches or errors could inadvertently penalize some employees and their employers.
"Even setting aside concerns of intentional 'blacklisting' of innocent Americans, even a small error rate could mean millions of Americans forced out of work by computer mistakes," he said.
"Homeland Security has a poor record of putting innocent Americans on secretive 'no-fly' lists, and should not be entrusted with determining who is allowed is to make a living in this country," Ostrolenk added.
The legislation, introduced by Rep. James E. Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., was approved Thursday by the House Judiciary Committee, which he chairs.
"This legislation will help restore the integrity of our nation's borders and reestablish respect for our laws by holding violators accountable, including human traffickers, employers who hire illegal aliens and alien gang members who terrorize communities throughout the country," Sensenbrenner said, in a statement.
Among other provisions, the bill "makes mandatory an employment eligibility verification system currently voluntary" by implementing a program confirming or denying "the authenticity of Social Security numbers offered by new hires." According to the committee, the bill "requires that all employers within two years will begin checking any new hires against this database and begin checking all hires within six years."
Terry Shawn, a spokesman for the Judiciary Committee, told WorldNetDaily Sensenbrenner had worked late on legislation and was unavailable for comment.
While a section of the bill says no provision in it "shall be construed to authorize, directly or indirectly, the issuance or use of national identification cards," Liberty Coalition officials point out another section requires Social Security Administration, the Treasury Department and the Department of Justice to submit a report to Congress about creating a machine-readable photo ID based on social security numbers.
"This action is a clear move towards constructing a National ID program, a concept rejected by most Americans," said the group, in a statement.
James Plummer, the coalition's policy director, described the bill's language about a national ID as "Orwellian doublespeak."
"A real border security law would secure the borders, making this kind of police-state 'Big Brother' tracking of Americans unnecessary," he said.
Liberty Coalition includes such politically diverse groups as the American Civil Liberties Union, Free Congress Foundation and the American Conservative Union.
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Jon E. Dougherty is the author of "Illegals: The Imminent Threat Posed by Our Unsecured U.S.-Mexico Border."